Five Valley Chorus
Sweet Adelines International
Missoula, MT
Our Mission Statement: Five Valley Chorus is a family of joyful women bonded together by our love of singing and performing four-part a cappella harmony while providing opportunities for growth and education for women of all ages.
A holiday welcome to new member Kat singing lead - pictured here with director Candy and team leader Cindy. What a treat to have you with us!! November 2023!! Welcome to our two new chorus members: Loree singing lead and Evy singing bass seen here with membership chair Gretchen and director Candy!! We're thrilled to have you both in our chorus family!! October 2023!!
Dana L. and Erin D. auditioned on the same day in February 2023 - both wonderful leads! Shown here with director Candy! Welcome to the family!!Welcome aboard, Mary L. Mary joined us in 2022 and is pictured with membership coordinator, Gretchen M.A warm welcome to our two new wonderful leads - Stephanie S. and Katie W. pictured on either side of Gretchen, our membership coordinator. These two joined in early 2022. 
We welcomed Jennifer M. to Five Valley Chorus in March, 2019 - just in time to join us at contest!!Jackie W., Trish R., and Ginny C.: these three ladies joined Five Valley in March, 2017 - just in time to sing with us at contest!!Laurie K. and Renita N. New dual members from Bozeman in February, 2016. Sharon T. New chorus member in February, 2016.  

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